1. Introduction
Amber Bridge Recruitment is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in its business activities in the UK.
This Anti-Bribery Policy outlines the commitment of Amber Bridge Recruitment Ltd to prevent bribery and corruption in our supply chain. This policy applies to all employees, stakeholders, and relevant parties involved in the recruitment process. The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with the UK Bribery Act 2010 and to maintain the highest ethical standards throughout our operations.
2. Policy Statement
2.1. Amber Bridge Recruitment Ltd is committed to a zero-tolerance approach towards bribery, including any form of corruption or facilitation payments. Bribery is illegal and undermines trust, fairness, and integrity in the recruitment process. We will not tolerate or engage in any activities that involve bribery.
2.2. All employees, stakeholders, and relevant parties must comply with the UK Bribery Act 2010, along with any other applicable laws and regulations relating to bribery and corruption in our supply chain.
2.3. Amber Bridge Recruitment Ltd hold all employees, stakeholders, and relevant parties responsible and accountable for upholding this policy. Everyone involved in the recruitment process must be aware of their responsibilities and actively participate in preventing bribery.
3. Definitions
3.1. Bribery refers to the offering, promising, giving, accepting, or soliciting of any financial or other advantage to influence the actions of an individual in a position of trust, to gain an improper advantage or to induce or reward improper conduct.
4. Prohibited Activities
4.1. No employee, stakeholder, or relevant party shall offer, promise, or give any form of bribe to any individual involved in the recruitment process. Similarly, no employee, stakeholder, or relevant party shall accept or solicit bribes from any individual or entity involved in the recruitment process. The expectation is that all parties uphold the integrity of Amber Bridge Recruitment Ltd and must report any attempted bribery immediately.
4.2. Facilitation payments, which are small bribes paid to secure or expedite routine services or actions, are strictly prohibited. No employee, stakeholder, or relevant party shall engage in such activities.
4.3. Employees, stakeholders, and relevant parties involved in the recruitment process shall disclose any conflicts of interest that may compromise their impartiality or objectivity. They must act in the best interests of the organisation and avoid situations where their personal interests’ conflict with their professional obligations. This can include, but not be limited to, recruiting friends and family to come to the UK themselves or know of an alternative motive for obtaining a visa to enter the UK.
5. Gifts and Hospitality
5.1 Amber Bridge Recruitment is committed to the principles of good corporate governance and to ensuring that its business is properly managed for the benefit of its stakeholders, including its employees and clients.
5.2. Amber Bridge Recruitment believes in honesty, integrity and professionalism in all aspects of its business. Bribery, favouritism and corruption are unacceptable practices. The company will not knowingly participate in money laundering practices and takes all reasonable precautions to guard against this. The company is also committed to maintaining the highest standards in business practice possible by continually seeking improvements in its policies and procedures.
6. Reporting and Whistleblowing
6.1. Anyone who suspects or becomes aware of any actual or potential breach of this policy must report it immediately to their supervisor, the Human Resources department, or through the designated reporting channels established by Amber Bridge Recruitment Ltd.
6.2. Amber Bridge Recruitment Ltd are committed to protecting individuals who report suspicions of bribery in good faith. Whistleblowers will be treated confidentially and protected against any retaliation or adverse consequences as a result of their report, provided the report is made in good faith.
7. Training and Communication
7.1. Amber Bridge Recruitment Ltd will provide training and awareness programs to employees, stakeholders, and relevant parties involved in the recruitment process. This training will emphasize the importance of preventing bribery, outline their responsibilities, and provide guidance on identifying and reporting potential violations.
7.2. This policy will be communicated to all employees, stakeholders, and relevant parties involved in the recruitment process. Regular reminders and updates will be provided to ensure its ongoing awareness and effectiveness.
8. Compliance and Consequences
8.1. Amber Bridge Recruitment Ltd will regularly review and monitor compliance with this policy to ensure its effectiveness and address any potential areas of concern.
8.2. Non-compliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or business relationships and may also lead to legal proceedings.
9. Policy Review
9.1. This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its relevance, effectiveness, and alignment with legal requirements and industry best practices.
9.2. Any updates or amendments to this policy will be communicated to all employees, stakeholders, and relevant parties involved in the recruitment process.
© Amber Bridge Recruitment
Company number: 15804859
vat number: 472257876